
“Each of us has GREAT potential.  We often do not see it or lack the confidence to develop it. We help you get results with positive change.  You can rediscover yourself, become a NEW you, and embark on an amazing journey” - Jan Davidson

At Growing Through My Journey, we are passionate about helping you navigate the hills and valleys of your life by supporting mental health and emotional wellness. Our tailored workshops and training programs cater to group and individual growth journeys. Whether you’re embarking on personal development or exploring other areas of self-improvement, our goal is to enhance well-being on both personal and professional levels.

Our workshops equip you with essential skills, techniques, and principles that are beneficial when “Life Happens”. Participants gain valuable insights and learn strategies that are crucial for maintaining mental confidence and emotional wellness across various aspects of life.

Our training sessions focus on self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and resilience. We address critical topics such as burnout prevention, addressing limiting beliefs, identifying silos in your personal/professional life, fostering a healthy culture, and more.

Our programs are customizable to meet the specific needs of teams or individuals.

Schedule with us today to begin your journey!

Current Workshops


Jan Davidson
Master Life Coach

With over 25 years of personal recovery experience, Jan is deeply committed to supporting others on their journey to personal growth.

Equipped with multiple certifications, including Addiction Counselor, Grief Recovery Specialist, and Trauma Specialist, I'm passionate about guiding others through transformative change. As a SAMSHA Gains Center Trainer, I empower professionals with trauma-informed strategies. My greatest reward is witnessing individuals rediscover joy, embrace change, and invest wholeheartedly in their well-being.